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Adults should be immunized at 10 year intervals with Td (tetanus-diphtheria) toxoid. A toxoid is a bacterial toxin that is treated to make it harmless but still can induce immunity to the disease.

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Q: How is diphtheria prevented in adults?
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Related questions

How is diphtheria prevented?

By giving vaccination as children adolescents and adults from ages 11-64 receive a booster does of pertussis vaccine at the time they receive their diphtheria and tetanus boosters

Is an acute bacterial infection of the throat and upper respiratory tract that is now largely prevented through immunization?


Who gets diphtheria the most kids or adults?

In areas where it is still common, children are most affected.

What can be prevented by vaccine?

Vaccinations are an effective method of preventing certain disease such as polio, tetanus, pertussis, diphtheria, influenza, hepatitis b, and pneumococcal infections.

Can hypothyroidism be prevented?

Primary hypothyroidism can't be prevented, but routine screening of adults can detect the disease in its early stages and prevent complications.

What is the period on communicability for Diphtheria?

The incubation period is two to seven days, with an average of three days. It is vital to seek medical help at once when diphtheria is suspected, because treatment requires emergency measures for adults as well as children.

Can you still get diphtheria?

can you die from Diphtheria?

What is a virulence factor for diphtheria?

The virulence factor for diphtheria is an exotoxin named diphtheria exotoxin.

Is the word diphtheria a proper noun?

No, the noun 'diphtheria' is a common noun, a word for any instance of diphtheria.

What is corynebacterium diphtheria?

The bacterium that causes the infection diphtheria.

What is responsible for diphtheria?

Diphtheria is an infectioncaused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae.

Is diphtheria a disease?

Diphtheria is an infectioncaused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae.