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The mitochrondria main function is to produce ATP. ATP is the currency of cells, with out this currency cell function slows down, then eventually can cease. Therefore, any disorder that leads to substantial reduction in ATP production cause lethal problem in the CNS, which needs a continuous supply of ATP. Cyanide poison works this way. it inhibit the electron transport system in the mitichondria, thus resulting death.

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20h ago

Dizziness in mitochondrial disorders can be caused by impaired function in the part of the inner ear that helps maintain balance (vestibular system) or by decreased blood flow to the brain due to poor mitochondrial function. Mitochondria provide energy to cells, including those in the inner ear and brain, so dysfunction can lead to various symptoms, including dizziness.

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Is this from Zingylearning? :) If it is, the answer is eating and inhaling oxygen.

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Can hearing loss and anemia and dizziness be related?

i dont know thats why i am asking you

Is there a name for parents that are unable to love their child?

That may come under the category of attachment disorder. See related link.That may come under the category of attachment disorder. See related link.That may come under the category of attachment disorder. See related link.That may come under the category of attachment disorder. See related link.

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Yes, I have this disorder and I hate eating breakfast but not eating enough nutrients accelerates the fatigue and weakness and these triggers diziness.