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earth's shape is influenced by gravity because gravity will pull the objects in space together forming a sphere

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Q: How did gravity affect the earth shape during earth's formation?
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Does Mars' gravity affect other objects?

yes it does but the gravity is 38% of the earths gravity and if doesn't affect objects then it will have no moon

How would the gravity of mars affect the landing of a spacecraft?

Does mars' gravity affect other objects. yes it does but the gravity is 38% of the earths gravity and if doesn't affect objects then it will have no moon.

Does earths gravity affect space?

No. Space is literally nothing. No oxygen, no air, no dust, nothing. objects in space, yes, the earths gravity does affect it. otherwise the moon would just fly away.

How does gravity affect the earths sky?

The sky is air and gravity keeps the air close to the ground so we can breeth it in .

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How does the force of gravity affect the direction of motion of the planets?

earths rotation around the sun

How does gravity affect the earths surface?

It makes things weigh more or less, depending on the surface gravity.

How gravity affect things in the earths sky?

because the force of gravity on earth very strong and earth dragged all things from space

Which planets surface gravity is 38 percent that of earths?

Both mercury and mars have a gravity which is around 38% of earths. Mercury's gravity is 37.8% of earths, Mars' gravity is 37.7% of earths.

What affect does earths gravity have upon a object entering earth?

In general, it will have the effect of speeding such an object up.

How does gravity affect oceans?

Gravity can pull water in and out, causing tide like motions. The gravity of the moon and sun, for example pull on the earths oceans and cause high and low tides.

How does gravity affect the movement of the moons?

Earths gravity keeps the moon from flying off in the same way the sun keeps earth in balance.