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Food is one of the rare areas where children feel a sense of control. Thus, it is an arena for them to manifest or 'act out' stuff that is bothering them. You might see a child get agitated if their peas touch their corn, etc... The child might refuse to eat or sneak food, binging in secret. Early on, many cultures use food to reward and punish children. We condition them to load the act of eating with much heavy significance.

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Think about it. Fashion magazines, television, the media is pressuring us to be thin. Children picked on by other children. False information. This is coming from an 11 year old who has been anorexic since shortly after her 10th birthday. Maybe even some bad role models.

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Q: How is eating related to obsessive compulsive disorder for children?
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What does OCD stand for in the clique?

In the Clique, OCD stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It is a mental health condition characterized by unwanted repetitive thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions).

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A compulsive disorder is a kind of a mental disorder which drives you to perform completely unnecessary and ridiculous to most of the people actions (compulsions) but still essential to those who suffer form the compulsive disorder.

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Believing a black cat brings bad luck is founded in superstitiousness. There is speculation that superstitiousness and obsessive-compulsive disorder are closely related.

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There are many ways to fix a compulsion disorder both with medication and without. For more information about fixing a compulsive disorder seek guidance from a mental health professional, many are available as clinics that one can visit for a minimal charge. They will help you break the compulsions via behavioral modification. The medication class commonly used to treat compulsive disorders (mainly obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD) are the SSRIs or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. It would be in your best interest to seek one-on-one guidance with a healthcare professional, be it a physician/psychiatrist or if you have medication related questions, a pharmacist.~JR PharmD.

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Answer: Hoarding...The condition is called Compulsive Hoarding Disorder. It's a form of OCD and it is treatable. Specialized therapy and medications can sometimes help. Compulsive hoarding is a serious medical condition and mental disorder. While it is treatable, people with compulsive hoarding are often suffering, especially when it's severe. See the related links for more information on compulsive pathological hoarding.

What is a basic definition of obsessive compulsive disorder?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a psychiatric disorder which is characterised by obsessive thoughts that plague the sufferer and compulsive actions which the person do to relieve the anxiety brought about by the thoughts. An obsessive thought is a recurrent persistent thought (kind of like that annoying song that loops in your head once in a while), which causes the person anxiety and distress. The person typically knows the thought is silly but just can't help thinking about it, no matter how hard he or she tries. A common example portrayed on many TV shows is the thought that all public places are contaminated. The person will keep thinking every door handle and elevator button is covered in germs, to the point that he is afraid of going out, or if he or she does, will do so with great trepidation. To relieve the anxiety wrought by the thoughts, the sufferer does something repetitively that may or may not be related to the thought. To rid himself of contamination, a sufferer may wash his hands 20 times in a ritualistic fashion after contact with something 'dirty'. Failure to complete the routine results in severe anxiety. Other people may have have counting behaviors such as counting the cracks in the sidewalk. Many people actually have a certain degree of obsessiveness or compulsive behavior but it usually does not disrupt their everyday lives. When it becomes bad enough, say you keep worrying about whether you left the stove on and keep going home to check it and thus become 2 hours late for work, then obviously it becomes a problem. This is what differentiates an obsessive compulsive trait from a disorder.

Can a horse have OCD?

Yes, horses can have OCD. But it is not the human condition you're thinking of. OCD in horses refers to Osteochondrosis but not Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Osteochondrosis is a disease that affects a horses joints and is similar to a human experiencing "growing pains." Symptoms of osteochondrois include stiffness and lameness in the leg. See the related link below for more information on treatment.

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Social anxiety disorder is often related to people that were shy as children. Clinical depression can also be linked to those who were shy children.

Mental disorders are usually caused by what factors?

There are various disorders related to the human mind, each with its origins. However, in this video, the Brazilian psychoanalyst Mr. Souza explains in a straightforward manner the emergence of neuroses and their divisions, such as phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, hysteria, depression, and anxiety neurosis. You can find the video on the YouTube channel: MIND EMPOWERMENT

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Yes, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD is a characterised mental illness as defined by the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), ICD (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems), and other manuals on mental disorders.

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An obsession is continual preoccupation with a person, place, thing, or activity. Compulsion is a powerful emotional urge to do a particular thing, usually repetitively. Obsessive-Compulsive disorder stems from those two words, and involves preoccupation and action, taken together.