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Q: How is energy conserved when people use fan instead of air-conditioner?
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How is energy conserved with nuclear fission?

Energy is always conserved. You can neither create nor destroy energy. The same goes for mass. They can only be moved from one frame of reference to another. Fission has nothing to do with it. Ditto for fusion.One area of "confusion" for many people is Einstein's mass-energy equivalence equation e = mc2. Some people think it means that mass can be converted to energy and vice versa. Nope. Not even close. Mass is energy, and energy is mass. Think about that.

How is energy conserved within a closed system?

The energy is conserved by the " law of conservation of energy" . It states that energy can be neither created nor be destroyed. Then a question may arise that if there is no change in the amount of energy, then why do people often say that energy should be conserved ...... energy is wasting....... we must prevent it? Energy is a finite resource. The materials we derive energy from (oil, coal, electricty, ect.) can also harm the environment. By conserving energy you help to save parts of the environment. There are many ways to conserve energy. The most obvious is to not waste it. This can easily be done by shurring off lights when you leave a room, or turning off the computer or TV when it is not being directly used. Some other ways would be to recyle (it takes more energy to produce new cans, for example, than to re-use recycled ones) or re-use bottles or bags so that energy doesn't need to go into making new ones and the others aren't wasted.

What are people trying to do about red foxes?

They need to be conserved and protected.

Is it true that substances can be neither created nor destroyed?

It depends on what you accept as 'being destroyed'. The only thing that is conserved is the matter/energy constant. Matter can be converted into an equivalent amount of energy. Some people would consider this 'being destroyed' but the amount of energy is always the same.

Why not drink a cup of coffee instead of 5 hour energy drink?

Cause people are dumb and they wont drink coffe instead

Why is the law of conservation of energy so important?

because a conservation law states that a particular measurable property of an isolated physical system does not change as the system evolves.

How can the Amazon River be protected and conserved?

River must be conserved through participatory approach. The victimise people should be kept in front while ,aking a protection plan. People's participation can be the sustainable approach of river conservation.

Explain how energy is conserved when you throw a ball into the air and then catch it?

When it is in your hand you have potential energy, then when you throw it you use mechanical, it has kinetic in the air, then slowly shanges to potential in the air, then all the way potentail energy in your hand.

How do you use mechanical energy in your everyday life?

•The conservation of mechanical energy is a principle which states that under certain conditions, the total mechanical energy of a system is constant. This rule does not hold when mechanical energy is converted to other forms, such as chemical, nuclear, or electromagnetic.

Are most vampires vegetetrian?

well i am... i take energy from people instead of drinking blood though some aren't.

Why do people use so much nuclear power instead of renewable energy?

All being invented are spend too much energy, so there's no full-powered renewable energy yet

What is the resource of energy?

Energy supply must be sustainable and diverse. And energy needs to be used more efficiently. A sustainable energy supply, both in the short- and the long-term, is needed for promoting both economic development and people's quality of life, as well as protecting the environment.We also need a greater diversification of energy resources - if we are largely dependent on one fuel source, we risk price rises and supply disruptions.Energy is a precious resource which must be conserved. Improved energy efficiency, therefore, in our homes, factories and transport needs to be strongly encouraged. Energy supply must be sustainable and diverse. And energy needs to be used more efficiently. A sustainable energy supply, both in the short- and the long-term, is needed for promoting both economic development and people's quality of life, as well as protecting the environment.We also need a greater diversification of energy resources - if we are largely dependent on one fuel source, we risk price rises and supply disruptions.Energy is a precious resource which must be conserved. Improved energy efficiency, therefore, in our homes, factories and transport needs to be strongly encouraged.