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There are no sins and no sinners. There are mistakes we must learn from - to do better next time! To wake up to the fact that God is love and love only. IT just loves, as the sun gives light without question. If we do wrong to our neighbor, life sets things up so we pay off that debt to life. Called working off karma, yes?

I read ECKANKAR, Key to Secret Worlds, and this opened my eyes to so much of how life works. Also Harold Klemp's books and talks showed me that we are responsible for our acts and thoughts, same as we're responsible for our bank balance. We overdraw? We pay a price. That's just how it works. It's not vindictive because God is love only. To get back to God, to realize God, be more loving. Today.

- - - hope this helps.

With Goodwill,




In mainstream Christian teaching, all human beings are sinners and require salvation through Jesus Christ. I am not familiar with a doctrine of being "a sinner on three counts," but I suspect it may resemble the following:

The first humans who were created, Adam and Eve, sinned against God in the Garden of Eden by eating the Forbidden Fruit. Therefore, all their descendants are sinners through inheritance. Secondly, for many centuries the Roman Catholic Church viewed the sexual act, even within marriage, as sinful, so all children were conceived in sin. Thirdly, every individual must inevitably be guilty of their own sins of commission or omission.

This whole argument would be a complicated way of saying that nobody is perfect. If one believes that God requires perfection (and many people believe The Bible teaches just that,) then every person is a sinner and needs salvation.

Although that has been and continues to be the stated belief of Christianity through the ages, there are (and have always been ) many other faithful Christians who discard that argument as being unworthy of a loving God.

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