

How is evolution documented?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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Evolution is documented in both realtime experimental and observational data, as well as in the fossil and genomic record.

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Q: How is evolution documented?
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Darwin .

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Many Christians accept evolution as a scientific explanation. For example, it is the official position of both the Catholic and Episcopal Churches - the Anglicans are also considering an apology to Darwin - that evolution occurred, is documented as fact and is correct science. There is nothing within either that contradicts the other (unless you take allegory and intendedly-metaphorical explanation seriously and literally).

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The later. Darwin's writings, which are documented, preceded Wallace's evolutionary formulations by some time.

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What proof did Charles Darwin have about evolution?

Darwin collected enormous numbers of fossils and specimens of extant species, and made thousands of observations of changes. His observations clearly documented that species undergo change over time. Since Darwin's time we have gathered much more data about the processes of evolutionary change, such that the theory of evolution is now considered the foundational concept of modern biology.

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Micro-evolution is not only a part of macro-evolution, it is the same mechanism as macro-evolution. Macro-evolution includes speciation, as a result of continuing micro-evolution.

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Evolution is a process, theories of evolution are theories which explain that process