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When an object slows down because of friction, its energy is not lost but merely transferred to thermal energy. Since energy naturally disperses as much as possible, the thermal energy gets dispersed throughout the atmosphere. Even though the energy is no longer usable it is still conserved.

*see the second law of thermodynamics

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Q: How is friction related to the law of conservation of energy?
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How is friction different from the laws of conservation of energy?

There are no "laws" of conservation of energy, just the law of conservation of energy. The existence of friction doesn't change anything - the law of conservation of energy still holds.

How are energy transformation related to the law of conservation of energy?


How are energy transformations related to law of conservation of energy?

it changes forms and energy can not be created or destroyed

Can you use friction and the law of conservation of energy in the same sentence?

Say this "even when friction occurs and physical changes take place, the law of conservation of mass states that no matter is lost in the process". (though it may seem like matter has been lost, some of the matter goes in the atmosphere or onto the ground depending on what you are applying friction too)

What are the differences between Conservation law of energy and Conservation law of Mechanical energy in Physics?

The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy in the universe is a constant and will remain so for example ( x=y+z ). conservation of energy has to do with reducing the amount of energy used through reduced activity and/or increased efficiency in the performance of a particular task.

The first law of thermodynamics is related to the conservation of which quantity?

Yes. There are no known exceptions - otherwise it would not be considered a law

How does friction play a role in the conservation of energy from one form to another?

In many energy conversions, some energy gets lost - in some cases through friction. Of course, according to the Law of Conservation of Energy, energy can't really diseappear, but it does get converted into low-value forms, i.e., unusable energy.

Can static friction be negative?

No; that doesn't make much sense since it would violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

What law of the scientific rule states that energy cannot be created or destroyed?

The law of Conversation of Energy

What law says in chemical change energy is neither created or destroyed?

Scientists call this law the law of conservation of matter

What does the law of conversion of energy state?

The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot ... 75% helpful The Law of Conservation of Energy means....that energy cannot ... 60% helpful It states that if friction is negligible,the sum of the kinetic and ....

Law that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed?

The law of Conservation of Energy. Actually, that law has been superceded now by a slightly different one. Recently (maybe 100 years ago) it was learned that energy can become mass and mass can become energy. So the law had to be modified to say that the total combination of mass and energy can't be created or destroyed.