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Q: How is fur extracted or harvested?
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Why do people complain about fur coats if an animal is killed for food and the fur is left it would be wasteful not to use it?

Most people are concerned about fur being "harvested" from helpless animals (often times from endangered species) for the sole purpose of obtaining the material.

How are human growth hormones harvested for medical treatments on patient?

The answer may shocking for some of you. Human growth hormone is extracted from pituitary gland of dead human bodies.

What organisms does phytonmining?

Plants are the organisms used for phytomining. If plants can absorbs the low concentrations of metals in soil, the metals can be concentrated in the biomass of the plants and then extracted from the plant material when harvested.

Is polyester harvested from the fur of tropical-dwelling polyps?

if you find more than 3 midgets than it will but other than that no

How do the fur companies get the fur?

fur is bought buy several companies, rocky mountain fur, Hudson bay fur,etc. it is harvested by independent party's ( land owner, fur trapper, or hunters). trapping takes place in the winter when the fur is its thickest, cleaned dried and stretched. bought only in bulk and by weight. 3 category's; 1 not so good to 3 prime. then the fur is sold to a manufacturing companies to turn in to clothes. it all depends on the Russian economy too, Russia is the biggest fur market.

What type of raw material used in sugar industry?

Sugar cane is the type of grass uses in the sugar industry. It is grown, harvested and then the sugars are extracted and refined.

Where is the ginger plant grown?

It is a root, so it would be harvested similar to the way potatoes are.

How is wool extracted or grown?

Wool is the fur of various animals, including sheep, alpacas, and llamas (and if you're a Dwarf Fortress player, Trolls, but that's neither here nor there.) Basically, you cut the fur from the animal, and weave it into thread. You now have wool.

Why are hares not hunted and eaten?

If a human being ate solely Hare (or rabbit) they would slowly starve themselves of the necessary nutrients for survival -they are hunted (harvested) for their fur, though!

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When are peaches harvested?

there are harvested in the spring

What parts of the spearmint plant are used for medicinal purposes?

The fresh or dried leaves and the volatile oil, extracted by steam distillation. To be harvested on a dry day, just after the dew has evaporated. The plant should just be coming into bloom. And more . . .