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Gravity is a balanced force, whic means that when two masses attract each other, there is an equal force acting on both of them, just like the tension in a string acts equally at both ends.

The planets' orbits are caused by gravity acting between the Sun and each planet, but because the Sun is so much more massive it hardly moves at all. The planets would move in a straight line without gravity, but because there is a force attracting them to the Sun they all accelerate towards the Sun, but their sideways velocity prevents them falling inwards very much, they just keep curving inwards all the time.

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Q: How is gravity an unbalanced force that keeps planets in orbits?
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The force of gravity causes orbits.

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Gravity from the Sun holds the planets in their orbits.

Why do planets have orbits?

i think its is by the force of gravity planets are kepet orbit

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The force you seek is gravity.

How do planets stay on orbit?

The gravity of the Sun keeps the planets in their orbits. They stay in their orbits because there is no other force in the Solar System which can stop them.

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Centripetal force and Gravity

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Gravity is what keeps the planets going in their orbits. If gravity just stopped, then the planets would go flying in a straight line tangent to their orbit.

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The force of the Sun's gravity keeps them in their orbits.

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Gravity and inertia. Inertia keeps the planets moving while the gravity of the sun keeps the planets drawn to orbit in ellipses.

How does gravity affect the relationship between the sun and the planets?

Yes. It keeps the planets in orbit around the Sun.

Is gravity an unbalanced force?

yes it is