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Greek art is present in paintings and murals of different monuments... such as stone hinge and the Greek coliseums and cathedrals... Greek Architecture is seen on different buildings and houses... the Stone pillars on courthouses and plantations and other significant buildings originated in Greece...

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What were goals of greek art?

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What were the goals of Greek arts?

the goal of Greek art was to present images of perfection in a balanced and orderly way.

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Where can one buy Greek Art online?

You can try the Greek art site which has various items from Greek artists. Greek paintings and art objects can also be purchased from a site titled Fine Art America.

What did Greek art and architecture?

Greek art expressed beauty, balance , and harmony .

The greek values of harmony order balance and proportion in art served as the standard for what?

Classical art!

How has the ancient Greek art influenced mankind today?

Ancient Greek art is very influential. Many people copy the styles of Greek art. They also copy the styles of Greek architecture and literature.

Is Byzantine ART roman art?

some people consider it Greek and some consider it Roman. but i think its Greek and Roman. in the dark ages, the Greek and Roman were together and combined Roman art and Greek art together and made byzantine art. until Rome fell into the dark. >:(

When was Museum of Greek Folk Art created?

Museum of Greek Folk Art was created in 1918.

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What is Greek art?

Greek art refers to the art of ancient Greece, which includes a wide range of artistic expressions such as sculpture, pottery, and architecture. Greek art is known for its emphasis on balance, proportion, and harmony, as well as its depiction of the human form in a realistic and idealized manner. It had a significant influence on Western art and continues to be admired for its aesthetic beauty and cultural significance.

Who is the greek goddess of art?

The greek goddess of art was Athena (Minerva in Roman mythology) Hope it helped :)