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By the total number of molocules moving together at a fast rate on us

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Q: How is heat detected?
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What can differences in heat be detected by?

Infared cameras.

What type of radiation can not be seen but can be detected as heat?

Infrared radiation.

How do military technology detects smokes from battle vehicles emission?

If the smoke is not enough to be detected visually, it can be detected by infra-red (heat sensors).

How does a light bulb's wattage affect the heat detected above a light?

the higher the wattage is the hotter it gets

What component of sunlight is responsible for heat?

Of all the "sunlight" that travels through space, directed toward the Earth, only the infrared radiation is detected as heat on Earth.

Can a heart defect not be detected till older in life?

That depends on the heat defect. Many are detected in childhood and some are not found until adulthood. So of the pones that are found in adulthood could have been detected in childhood if anyone looked and so don't show up until later.

Why is heat energy harder to see then light energy?

Our eyes do not respond to heat waves, which is why we cannot see them. Light waves, on the other hand, are detected by our eyes and this makes us see.

What is the main function of resistances in fire alarm circuit?

Heat changes the resistance of a circuit. The change is detected by the system, and activates the alarm.

Can lightning be detected?

No, not before hand, but once lightening strikes the ground weather balloons can actually capture their location, heat, etc.

Can the human body transmit outside the body?

It depends on what you mean by "transmit". Our nerves and muscles use electrical signals. These signals can be detected outside the body. The biochemical processes in each cell uses energy. This energy can be detected outside the body as heat.

Does heat change all substances?

It depends on what change this is. If this is visible change, it may not be detected. Otherwise, heat does change substances in terms of kinetic energy of molecules in a body or average distance between the molecules of the body.

Can marijuana be detected growing inside from airplane or helicopter outside?

They can't see that it's growing, however their cameras can see heat. Growing marijuana indoors requires lights that produce high heat and ventilation to remove the heat as well as refresh the air. Those cameras will notice the heat coming from the ventilation.