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Via currents of heated rock in the mantle which rise toward the surface. Very slowly.

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11y ago

Conduction augmented by convection-currents within the Mantle.

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Q: How is heat from the Earth's interior transferred to the crust?
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What is the major heat source of earth's crust?

there are many reasons for heat in earths crust. like the friction between rock masses during movements of earths crust. there may also be heat left over from the original heat of earths interior. but the main reason for heat in earths crust is radioactive elements. they give off energy that can be absorbed as heat. some radioactive elements include uranium, thorium, and a form of potassium.

How is heat transfer in the earths mantle related to the movement of the earths crust?

The heat transfer is moved to the crust. The earth's crust moves to the inner core

How is heat from earths interior transferred to earths surface by convections?

Beneath the surface of the earth temperature remains the same. Within the Earth, irregular convection cells within the mantle transfer heat from the core to the surface of the planet. Volcanoes and earthquakes are two examples of heat transferring from the interior to the surface.

Does convection currents produce the heat in the Earths interior?

Convection currents are agents of heat transfer within Earth's interior. And could also serve as mechnism for heat generation in the earth crust.

How is heat energy transferred by earth atmosphere?

heat energy transferred by earths atmosphere by the sun

What is the source of heat in the Earths interior?

the inner core

What is energy from heat in earths interior?

Geothermal Energy

Why earths interior is warmer than earths surface?

Earth's surface is free to radiate heat into space. The interior is not. The interior does transfer heat the the surface, but rather slowly. It is hot due to residual heat from Earth's formation and from the heat generated by the decay of radioactive elements.

Does convections currents produce the heat in the earths interior?


Convection currents produce the heat in the earths interior?


Were does geothermal energy come from?

it comes from earths interior heat

Current in earths mantle that transfers heat in earths interior?

It's called the convection current.