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hydroelectricity is collected for human use by farting into a can of soup

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Q: How is hydro electric energy collected for human use?
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How is hydro power obtained?

1.Water is collected at a certain height in huge reservoirs. 2.This water,which has lot of potential energy 3.The energy of falling water is used for generating electricity in hydro-electric power stations 4.In hydro-electric power plants turbines are used to convert the energy of falling water into mechanical energy 5.Hydro-electric power plants have least operating cost 6.They are free from environmental problem

What are examples of hydro electric energy?

Dams are an example of hydro electric energy because they produce energy while water going through it

Which energy is generated from the turbines?

hydro electric energy

What is the meaning of hydro energy power plant?

hydro electric power plant

How do you get hydro electric energy?

you get this from petting antens hair

Is the sun is the source of hydro electric energy?

not from the sun

What is the primary energy source in Pakistan?

Hydro electric ,thermal and nuclear energy

Is hydro electric-energy sustainable?

As long as there is rainfall, yes.

What types of energy are provided by water?

Hydro electric power

What energy is a renewable energy source due to flowing water?


When is gravitational energy converted into kinetic energy and then into a electrical current?

Hydro-electric powerplant

What is the main principle of hydro electric power stations?

The potential energy of the collected water is turned into kinetic energy as the water is released downstream. As the water is released, it hits a turbine, forcing it to spin. The spinning turbine turns some of the kinetic energy of the water into electric energy, which can be transported away in cables for us humans to use.