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One of the main methods of identifying rocks is by their method of formation. Igneous rock from melt; metamorphic rock from heat/pressure;sedimentary rock from lithification of sediment or precipitation. Then add in the myriad of possible combinations and percentages of minerals that may comprise the rock, and sometimes the identification of a rock can be a daunting task.

Minerals are identified by their chemical composition, their crystalline structure, their specific gravity, hardness, streak, and other physical properties.

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Q: How is identifying rocks different from identifying the minerals that compose rocks?
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How is identifying rocks different from identifying minerals that compose the rocks.?

One of the main methods of identifying rocks is by their method of formation. Igneous rock from melt; metamorphic rock from heat/pressure;sedimentary rock from lithification of sediment or precipitation. Then add in the myriad of possible combinations and percentages of minerals that may comprise the rock, and sometimes the identification of a rock can be a daunting task. Minerals are identified by their chemical composition, their crystalline structure, their specific gravity, hardness, streak, and other physical properties.

Are some rocks harder than other rocks?

Absolutely, based on the hardness of the minerals that compose them.

What is the connection between rocks and crayons?

The color in the crayons may be derived from minerals which compose rocks.

How do rocks differ in shape?

Rocks differ in shape. The shape of rocks depend on the shape of the minerals that compose them. Rocks may be round or angular.

Are rocks made out of different kind of minerals?

Almost all rocks made of minerals, but different rocks contain different mixtures of minerals.

what describes the compostition of rocks?

Rocks are made up of minerals. Different rocks consist of different minerals in different proportions.

How are minerals different from rocks?

Rocks contain minerals in them and minerals are just the minerals themselves.

Are rocks the same as minerals?

Rocks are normally combinations of different minerals.

Why do rocks have different colors?

Rocks have different colors because some rocks contain different minerals. the rocks

How are rocks and minarals different?

Rocks are composed of minerals. Minerals are inorganic chemical solids.

Do rocks have minerals in it?

yes most have many different types

What are rocks What are the component of rocks.?

Rocks are composed of minerals.