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We get our blood group from either parent or even grandparents so it is possible.

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2d ago

If both parents are blood type A, they can each carry a recessive gene for blood type O. When these recessive genes are passed on to the child from both parents, the child will have blood type O. This is a result of both parents being carriers for the O blood type gene.

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Q: How is it possible for a married couple both with A type blood to have children with a blood type of O?
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What are the possible blood types of children from AB mother and an AB father?

Children of an AB mother and an AB father can only have blood types A, B, or AB. This is because the parents can only pass on alleles for blood type A and B. Children cannot inherit a blood type O from these parents.

Husband blood type is a and wife blood type is o is this compatible?

Yes, a husband with blood type A and a wife with blood type O is compatible for having children. If the husband is AO (genotype) and the wife is OO, their children could have blood types A or O. Blood type compatibility is important for blood transfusions and possible genetic conditions, but in this case, they can have healthy children.

What are the possible blood type outcomes of offspring with a mother with type A plus blood and father with B plus blood type?

This would depend on what the genotype is of the parents. They could have children with type A, B, AB, or O type blood. This is possible if they are both heterozygous if they are homozygous for their respective blood types they could only have AB children. Also the statistics for the blood types would change if one parent was homozygous and one parent were heterozygous.

A father has type O blood and the mother has type AB blood What percent of the offspring should have type A blood?

A woman with type AB blood has both alleles that give blood both the A antigens and the B antigens, but the man with type O blood has both of the alleles that lack these antigens. Because the child will receive one allele from the mother and one from the father, none of their children will have AB or O blood.

Is iT possible to have your period without blood?

No, it is not possible for you to have a period without blood. Menstruation is the shedding of the uterus lining, which includes blood.

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Can a couple have children if the mom has had a blood transfusion?


If a Father has blood-group AB and mother A what are the possible blood groups obtained?

possible children can be A, AB, B

A couple have 5 children 2 sons with O blood and 1 daughter with AB blood and another daughter A and a third B blood what are the genotypes of the parents and children?

they are O i think

Is it possible if mother with blood group O married to a father with blood group AB to have a child with blood group O?


Determine the possible genotypes and phenotypes with respect to blood type for a couple whose blood types homozygous A and heterozygous B?

The possible genotypes for the couple are IAIA and IBi. Therefore, the possible phenotypes for their offspring are blood type A and blood type AB. The offspring cannot have blood type B because the parent with the B allele would always contribute the I allele for blood type B.

Is it possible that two people with type O blood produce children with type A blood?


When man with blood group A and woman with blood group B marry then what is the possible blood groups?

All blood groups are possible for children born from a combination such as this, regardless of which group is the male and which is the female.

Does father has same type of blood with their children?

Not necessarily. While a child may inherit their blood type from their father, it is not guaranteed. Blood type is determined by genes inherited from both parents, so it is possible for a child to have a different blood type than their father.

Can one parent who has A-type blood and the other who has O-type blood bear a child who has AB-type blood?

no, because the possible genotypes of blood type A are AA and AO while the possible genotype of blood type O is OO. therefore, the possible blood type of their children would either be a blood type O and a blood type A.

What are the ratings and certificates for Married with Children - 1987 I Want My Psycho Dad Second Blood Part 2 9-13?

Married with Children - 1987 I Want My Psycho Dad Second Blood Part 2 9-13 is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-14

My husband and I have o positive blood types is it possible for our children to have b negative blood types?

If you both have O+ blood then your offspring could only be O+.

If Mary had other children is there a direct blood line from her to modern day?

It's very possible.