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Because they are adapted and have body parts that can help them survive. For instance one fish has a glowing light that attracts other fish, so it can.

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Q: How is it possible for animals to live in the deepest part in the ocean?
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How is it possible for animals to live in the deepest parts of the ocean?

They're flubber

How do animals live in the deepest parts of the ocean?

they have special parts on and in their body parts

What animal lives in the deepest part of the ocean?

the animals live in the deepest part of the ocean are animals with soft body. jellyfish, sea armories, and sailfish are just a few of them. also animals that can produce their own light.

How is it possible for ocean creatures to live at the deapest parts of the ocean?

Its probably because they evolved in the deepest parts of the ocean and their body formation is used to the intense pressure of water.

Do crabs live in the deepest part of the ocean?


What part of the deepest part of the ocean do they live?

3,000 antarctic

What kind fish live in the mariana trench in the Atlantic ocean?

All sorts of fish, but actually, the Mariana Trench is in the Pacific Ocean, unless you meant the Puerto Rico Trench. The deepest Part of the Atlantic Ocean. Let me tell you the deepest part of the five oceans The deepest part of the Pacific Ocean is the Mariana Trench. The Pacific Ocean is the biggest and deepest of the five oceans. Its the biggest and deepest ocean in the world The deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean is the Peurto Rico Trench. The Atlantic Ocean is the second biggest and deepest of the five oceans and the world The deepest part of the Indian Ocean is the Java Trench. The Indian Ocean is the third biggest and deepest of the five oceans and the world The deepest part of the Southern Ocean has a silly name, the South Sandwich Trench. The Southern Ocean is also known as the Antarctic Ocean The deepest part of the Arctic Ocean is the Eurasia Basin. The Arctic Ocean is the smallest and shallowest of the five oceans.

What depth of the ocean does the blue sea star live in?

The Deepest Part.

Where do the animals in the ocean live?

They live in the ocean, lol

What part of the ocean do fish live in?

in the water under rocks and behind plankton

Where do land animals live?

in the ocean. Land animals live in the ocean. (Sarcasm hand raised)

Nikki lives near the deepest ocean trench in the world what country does she live in?
