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You don't consume enough calcium from the foods you eat to replenish the calcium lost from your bones. That's about as specific as one can get.

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Q: How is it possible for bones to lose more calcium than they gain?
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Why do adult bones curve?

Because they lose calcium.

Would you expect calcium to gain or lose electrons in a chemical reactions?

Like all metals calcium will lose electrons.

Is calcium more likely to gain or lose electrons?

Calcium is most likely to lose two electrons to form its dipositive ion.

Would calcium gain or lose electrons?

calcium loses two electrons, becoming a +2 ion

To form an ion what does a calcium atom gain or loose?

An atom of Calcium will lose an electron to become a posotive ion.

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Calcium will lose two electrons to gain the noble gas configuration of Argon.

Will the valence electrons of calcium give or take away electrons?

Calcium atom will generally lose two electrons to form Ca2+ ions. Calcium will not accept (gain) electrons.

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Because bones that are not subjected to weight-bearing stress lose calcium.

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Yes the question really is can you gain 1000

What is the number of electrons a calcium atom must gain or lose to have 8 valence electrons?

two electron should be lost

What happens if you dont eat calcium?

If you have no calcium in your diet a variety of thing happen: 1. Your bone get weaker so you are more likely to break them 2.Your teeth may fall out as jaw bone and the teeth weaken 3.If you are a chiled you may get Rickets "Rickets is an abnormal bone formation in children resulting from inadequate calcium in their bones"

Why do bones of older people break more easily than those of a younger persons?

Over time your bones lose calcium. So drink lot's of milk!Some people get "osteoporosis" ~ their bones get porous (hollow) and weaken, so they need more calcium, and Vitamin D supplements to help it to absorb.