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Because bones that are not subjected to weight-bearing stress lose calcium.

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Q: Why do wheelchair bound people with paralyzed lower limbs develop thin weak leg and thigh bones?
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Related questions

What are two ways bones develop?

Bones develop by either of the two ways, intramembranous and intracartilagenous.

Why do wheelchair bound people have weak thigh bones and muscles?

because their muscles aren't being used to support the weight of their body by walking or running, these muscles atrophy and the bones lose density. this causes them to generally weaken

What is heterotrophic bone?

these are the bones that could develop in the soft tissue. for example bones (rider's bones) could develop in the aductor muscles of horse riders.

What do bones first develop as?

when you are a baby the bones then were cartilage

How long until a newborn child's bones develop?

It takes 26-40 weeks for a fetus' bones to fully develop.

Most bones develop from?

Most bones in the appendicular skeleton develop from cartilage in a process known as endochondral ossification.

How many bones are there?

There are 206 bones in the human body when you fully develop.

What embryonic layer develop into bones?


Do bones develop cartilage?


Why aren't teeth bones for kids?

because they don't develop when you are a kid. they form as you are growing and they are most likely finished developing at the ages 20-24. some people develop their teeth bones early, some late. hope this helped.

Bones of the skull and clavicle develop by?

The clavicles and the cranial bones of the skull develop from a fibrous membrane. This process is known as intramembranous ossification.

What happens to your bones as you develop into old age?

As you age, your bones tend to become weaker and lose density, leading to a condition called osteoporosis. This can increase the risk of fractures and other bone-related issues. It is important to maintain good bone health through a balanced diet, regular exercise, and, if necessary, medications or supplements prescribed by a healthcare provider.