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Q: How is it possible to finde pieses of gneiss granite and basalt in a single conglomerate?
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How is it possible to find a piece of granite gneiss and basalt in a single conglomerate?

The rocks from which a sedimentary conglomerate is formed may have travelled long distances from various locations before being deposited and lithified.

What forms gneiss?

Gneiss metamorphosed from shale, sandstone, granite and conglomerate.

Is granite gneiss marble limestone shale or basalt an igneous rock?

These are sedimentary rocks. Sandstone is made of compressed grains of rock and sand. Shale is made of compressed bits of mud and clay. Limestone is made of compressed pieces of forms of calcium carbonate.

What is made of baUxite?

silicate rocks, such as granite, gneiss, basalt, and shale.

What is the protolith of a quartzite?

Quartzite--sandstone. Marble--limestone. Slate--shale. Gneiss--basalt or granite.

What are some examples of inorganic rocks?

Granite, diorite, gabbro, basalt, sandstone, shale, gneiss.

What metamorphic rock does shale and granite turn into?

Shale turns into slate, granite into gneiss.

How many rocks are native to canada?

There are 21 native rocks that are in Canada. There's Basalt, Pumice, Gypsum, Dunite, Pink Granite, Grey Granite, Obsidian, Shale, Ironstone, Sandstone,Flint,Slate, Siltstone, Limestone, Serpentine, Marble, Conglomerate, Coal, Gneiss, Mica-Schist, Quartzite and Marble.

What sedimentary rock does granite turn into?

Gneiss turns into granite. Though it comes from shale."GNEISS can turn to migmatite and then totally recrystallize into granite."

What is the difference between conglomerate and gneiss?

Conglomerate is a clastic sedimentary rock that has rounded pebbles included among its clasts. Gneiss is a high-grade foliate metamorphic rock characterized by alternating light and dark bands. It forms from the metamorphism of granite or schist.

How are granite and gneiss the same?

Granite and Gneiss are both rocks.

What igneous rock forms from granite?

Granite is already an igneous rock. If the granite simply melts and re-solidifies it will become granite again. If it melts and is erupted from a volcano, it will form rhyolite. If it melts and mixes with magma of a different composition, then it could form any number of igneous rocks.