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Q: How is lettuce transported from California?
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How is lettuce transported?

Cardboard boxes by truck or rail, refrigerated containers

Where does lettuce grow in California?

The ground

How is leather transported into California?

by boat

What is California's most important vegetables?

Lettuce and tomatoes

How much of the country's lettuce is produced in California as of 2006?


What part of the US is lettuce grown in?

Lettuce can be grown in a garden almost anywhere in the US, but by far the majority of commercial lettuce is grown in the Salinas Valley on California's central coast.

Where is lettuce made?

Lettuce (iceberg) is grown in fields I believe from Arizona to California. In the Spring it comes from Arizona and as the ground warms up the harvest moves into Southern California, then into the Central Valley and then into the Coastal Valleys.

How do goods get from place to place in California?

They are generally transported by land, rail or air

What crops are grown in northern California?

Citrus fruit, lettuce, strawberries, tomatoes.

What state grows the most lettuce?

California is the biggest producer of strawberries followed by Florida. California grows them from January through November.

What are crops that grow in California in fall?

There are many things that you in California's fall climate. My favorites include Onions, Garlic, Shallots, Cabbage, Brussel sprouts, Lettuce, kale,Baby green lettuce, carrots, celery, Artichoke, Potatoes in November. There is a lot more I suggest talking to your local nursery.

What are the main crops in california?

Some main crops would be lettuce or carrots. Produce is the main heart of product activity. 2/4 of the produce grown in America is grown in California.