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when the cold air clases with the warm air to create mist

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Q: How is mist formed outside in the cold?
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Related questions

What is thicker fog or mist?

mist and fog are kinder the same thing they are formed when the are is ti cold

What causes mist to appear?

Some water turning from a gas to a liquid. It can be sometimes called as fog when it is really cold outside. The gas outside is very cold so it turns from a gas to a liquid. Like when it is snowing outside, we see water droplets onto our windows. S Overall, mist and steam are totally different because mist if formed from a gas to a liquid and steam in the other way round. (e.g like a kettle)

What is the difference between steam and mist?

Mist and steam look very alike but there is a difference: mist is formed when when the air is too cold to hold its moisture, while steam is formed when water is heated beyond its boiling point (100 degrees Celcius).

How steam and mist are formed?

Steam is formed when the kinetice energy of the particles in boiling water increase and move around so much that they escape and change state. Mist is formed when the air is too cold to hold it's moisture.

How is mist created?

mist is created by cold air clashing with warmth then it is so cold that the water turns into mist

Scientific evidence for the difference between steam and mist?

No they are not the same. Steam is formed when water reaches boiling point then the water will start to evaporate to make water vapor. They then join particles in the air. Whenever there is a cold surface nearby the water will hit it and condense. Mist is formed when the ground cools and cools air close to it it causes condensation an water droplets form in the air.

How does mist formed?

It is formed by hot air and cold air reacting together. When they mix they created mist. your shower acts like a hot air machine. the mirror is the cold air so. when they both mix it creates mist.Also you don't need 100 degree Celsius . it is that is when steam occur.the hotter the water is the faster it will evaporate.

When there is a rainbow does it actually have to be rainy?

Its does not have to be raining it must be very humid outside and sunny. A rainbow is formed when the sun shines in a certain angle on mist.

What is mist made of?

Mist is formed by fine droplets of water in the atmosphere near the earth and commonly occurs when cold air rises above warmer water. Mist causes a haze that can blur the vision.

Is mist and steam the same?

No,Steam are formed by boiling it at the boiling point and the steam is white smoke that comes out of it.Mist are formed when the temperature becomes cold the water vapor gas goes into the process called condensation and turn into little droplets of liquid.

Example sentence for the word mist?

my mom might go outside in the mist

What is mist and drizzle made of?

Mist and drizzle is made up of water droplets that are formed by precipitation.