

How is oxyen diffenet form ozone?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Oxygen is different in the number of atoms from ozone. Oxygen contains 2 atoms while ozone has 3.

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Q: How is oxyen diffenet form ozone?
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What is the formula of the oxyen molecule?

The most prevalent oxygen molecules in air have the formula O2, but there is another form called ozone that has the formula O3.

Is oxyen malleable or ductile?

In solid form, no, it's neither of those things.

What is the ozone layer of your atmosphere?

The ozone is the triatomic form of ozone. It is present in the form of ozone layer in the atmosphere.

Is the ozone in the atmosphere a form of carbon?

No its not. Ozone is a form of oxygen.

Form of pollution that often contains ozone?

The ground level ozone is a form of pollution. There are traces of ozone in it.

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The CFC's form a hole in ozone layer. They are highly reactive with ozone.

What contains the ozone?

The stratosphere contains the ozone. It is in the form of ozone layer.

Why ozone is in layer form?

The ozone layer is in layer form. It is due to the gravity.

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How are oxygen and ozone differernt?

Oxygen and ozone are different. Oxygen is the diatomic form of oxygen atmon while ozone is the triatomic form.

What most contains ozone?

Stratosphere contains most ozone. It is in the form of ozone layer.

How do the ozone layer form?

Ozone is formed by UV rays. They naturally create ozone.