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Piggy is considered an outsider due to his size, which of course is why the others call him piggy or as Jack does occasionly "Fatty", he also has large glasses which would further him more from the other boys on the island

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Piggy is considered the outsider in "Lord of the Flies" due to his physical appearance, lack of social skills, and intellectual nature, which isolate him from the other boys. His Asthma, glasses, and obesity mark him as different and make him a target for ridicule and bullying. Additionally, Piggy's emphasis on reason and logic sets him apart from the other boys, who are more focused on primal instincts and power dynamics.

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Piggy in "Lord of the Flies" does not have a specific disease. He is portrayed as overweight, asthmatic, and socially awkward, but his character does not explicitly have a mentioned disease.