

How is pregnancy terminated in the first 3 weeks?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Either by medicine or suction by the doctor.

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Q: How is pregnancy terminated in the first 3 weeks?
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You can take a pregnancy test 3 weeks after sex

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The first sign is the missing of a period and that takes 3-4 weeks after pregnancy results.

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You should probably wait for 2-3 weeks or so just to have the results transferd in.

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Yes, it grows a small amount, which is why you generally get some cramping in early pregnancy

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If a woman is 3 mos pregnant no she will not be ovulating, if the pregnancy was terminated or miscarried yes she would be ovulating again.

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You.can..... But of is your first pregnancy you may not recognize it as the baby moving....movement is most noticeable after 3 months

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It isn't normal and I would suggest you call your doctor to discuss this.

Can you take a ClearBlue pregnancy test at 3 weeks and how accurate will it be?

It should be quite accurate at 3 weeks

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You can take a pregnancy test roughly 3 weeks after you had sex

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its the first stage of pregnancy and last the first 3 months..