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a soil formed under broad-leaved forests in humid subtropical regions, chiefly on parent material fromclayey shales. It has an acid reaction and low humus content, and its yellow color is caused by the presence of ferric hydroxide. The total thickness of the soil horizons is 30-70 cm. Four types of yellow earth may be distinguished: yellow soil, yellow podzolic soil, yellow gley soil, and yellow podzolic gley soil. Yellow soil covers large areas in China, in the southern United States, in southeastern Australia, and in New Zealand. In the USSR, it is widely distributed in Western Georgia and Lenkoran' (Azerbaijan SSR). Perennial sub-tropical crops (citrus fruits, tea), grapes, essential-oil plants, tobacco, vegetables, and other crops are grown on yellow soil. Because it has a small supply of nutrients yellow soil requires large quantities of fertilizers

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Q: How is red and yellow soil formed?
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What are the features of red and yellow soil?

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