

How is respiration different to burning fuels?

Updated: 6/12/2024
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Respiration is a biological process that occurs in cells to release energy from food using oxygen. Burning fuels is a chemical process that occurs outside of living organisms to release energy from fuels like gasoline or coal through combustion without the need for oxygen. Respiration is a controlled process that produces ATP for cellular functions, while burning fuels is uncontrolled and can release pollutants into the environment.

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How do particles get into the atmosphere?

From burning fossil fuels. Decay and respiration too.

How do carbon particles get into the atmosphere?

From burning fossil fuels. Decay and respiration too.

What are the similarities between respiration and burning fuels?

Both respiration and burning fuels involve the process of oxidation, where a substance combines with oxygen to release energy. In both processes, carbon dioxide and water are byproducts that are released into the environment. Additionally, both respiration and burning fuels are exothermic reactions that release heat energy.

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The two substances usually released from burning fuels and respiration are carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O).

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Cellular respiration by producers and consumers returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.-Cellular respiration-Volcanic eruptions-Human interference (burning of fossil fuels)

How is carbon dioxide returned to the. atmosphere?

Cellular respiration by producers and consumers returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.-Cellular respiration-Volcanic eruptions-Human interference (burning of fossil fuels)

What does burning fossil fuels and cellular respiration have in common?

Both release carbon into the atmosphere, but burning fossil fuels releases CO2 at a much greater amount. Both cellular respiration and combustion require a core fuel for the process to happen at all. This fuel is stored energy, and the entire process of combustion or respiration is to convert that energy from its stored state -- in the fuel -- to another state that the engine, either mechanical or bionic, can use to power its other operations. While fossil fuels and sugar molecules have very different structures, they both have a series of molecular bonds that the energy harvesting process will break apart.

How does carbon dioxide go back in the atmosphere?

Cellular respiration by producers and consumers returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.-Cellular respiration-Volcanic eruptions-Human interference (burning of fossil fuels)

Is the reduction of carbon to carbon dioxide a result from releasing energy in both cellular respiration and burning of fossil fuels?

It is not a reduction.It is an oxidation.Yes it releases energy.

What is the different between cellular respiration and getting energy from a log by burning it?

Cellular respiration is a metabolic process that occurs in cells to produce energy by breaking down nutrients like glucose using oxygen. Burning a log is a combustion reaction that involves the rapid oxidation of the log's organic molecules, releasing energy in the form of heat and light. Cellular respiration is a controlled process that happens within living organisms, while burning a log is an uncontrolled chemical reaction that occurs outside of living organisms.

What chemical equation for the burning of fossil fuels?

Burning of fossil fuels is an oxidation reaction.

Why is burning fossil fuels an issue?

Bcoz burning of fossil fuels releases poisonous fuels which are harmful to human health....;)