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The vulgar meaning of theory is that one " guesses ", or just has an idea over a cup of coffee. The scientific meaning, which is the primary meaning in any good dictionary, is that theory is basically an explanation of phenomenon,( observation, fact, law, ) and this is logically consistent internally and supported by many lines of converging evidence.

Simply put, the theory of evolution by natural selection is the cornerstone of Biology. Biology would be an exercise in natural history " stamp collecting " is not for the theory of evolution by natural selection explaining so much ( not everything ) about evolution.

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Q: How is scientific theory is different from the way most people use the word theory and explain the important the theory of evolution has on modern biology?
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The scientific movement accepts the Theory of Evolution. The Theory is the basis for the science of biology.

Why is the theory of evolution important to modern biology?


What does biological evolution study?

Biological evolution is a natural phenomenon. Scientific disciplines that study this phenomenon include: developmental biology, evolutionary biology, palaeontology, comparative genomics, microbiology, and so on, and so forth.

Why is it important that students learn about the theory of evolution?

Learning about the theory of evolution is crucial as it is the foundation of modern biology and helps explain the diversity of life on Earth. Understanding evolution also fosters critical thinking skills, scientific literacy, and a better appreciation of the natural world.

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Evolution is the cornerstone of life, and biology is the fundamental study of life. Evolution, then, is integral to the study of all aspects of biology.

Why is the theory of evolution considered a unifying principle?

The theory of evolution is relevant to every aspect of the science of biology. It shows relationships between different aspects of biology which otherwise would not seem to be related. Thus, it unifies the science of biology.

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Why do you think biology is important?biology is important,because we make our life easier,in this is the study of life,and other organisms biology is the study of animals plants and other or ganisms

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What did Darwin's work mean?

Darwin's work, particularly his theory of evolution by natural selection, revolutionized our understanding of biology and the origin of species. It provided a scientific explanation for the diversity of life on Earth and continues to be a foundational concept in modern biology. Darwin's work also challenged traditional beliefs about the origins of life, sparking important debates on evolution and religion.

Why is evolution important in biology?

As far as scientific investigation has been able to determine, evolution is the means by which life as we know it has come about on our world. It is the fundamental process which underlies all of biology.

Why should evolution not be taught in schools?

Evolution should be taught in schools because it is a well-established scientific theory supported by a vast amount of evidence. Understanding evolution is essential for students to grasp the principles of biology and to critically evaluate scientific knowledge. Teaching evolution does not imply denying or negating any individual's beliefs or religious views.

What is the theory that holds modern biology together?

Many different theory hold modern biology together --------------------------- The answer they were looking for is 'evolution'.