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Q: How is seafloor spreading and subduction different'?
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How do oceans change size?

Seafloor spreading and subduction

What is the zones places where the seafloor is forced under continents to drift?

Subduction zones are where the seafloor is forced under continental plates.

What theory states that new land is added to continental margins at subduction zones?

seafloor spreading

Does seafloor spreading cause the earth's crust to expand?

New oceanic crust is being created at seafloor spreading zones, and crust is alternately being subducted and destroyed at subduction zones.

Which hypothesis states that continents slowly moved to their present-day positions on Earth Is it subduction or erosion or continental drift or seafloor spreading?


Why are the effects of subduction in the Pacific Plate more noticeable than the effects of seafloor spreading in the Atlantic?

Because the subduction of the Pacific Plate is very near to centres of human population at the edge of a continental plate, whereas the seafloor spreading in the Atlantic is in the middle of the ocean, far away from human habitation.

How is a hot spot similar from a subduction zone?

Most volcanoes that cannot be ascribed either to a subduction zone or to a seafloor spreading at mid-ocean ridges are attributed to hot spots.

What did the magnetic strips prove in seafloor spreading?

They proved that the seafloor was spreading.

Explain the relationship between trenches and seafloor spreading?

1. New sea-floor is created by the upwelling of magma at mid-ocean spreading centers; old ocean floor is destroyed by subduction at deep sea trenches. 2. The area is a subduction zone. Magma from underground comes up and destroys that crust. That crust is then recycled and the magma cools and hardens. That creates new land, that creates the trenches. Seafloor spreading is in the ocean and happens with convection currents. That is the relationship between. 3. As new seafloor is formed at mid-ocean ridges, the old seafloor is pushed down into trenches at subduction zones.

How to Diagram the process of seafloor spreading?

A diagram that shows how seafloor spreading works.

Seafloor spreading begins when?

Seafloor spreading is triggered by a rift in a continental land mass.

Which force is responsible for seafloor spreading?

Gravity in the oceanic crust is responsible for seafloor spreading.