

How is sulfur used in gardening?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Sulfur is used in the garden to lower the Ph of soil. The Ph stands for potential hydrogen and is on a scale from 0.0 to 14. Seven is neutral, with anything below that being acidic and anything above that being alkiline. Most plants prefer a pH of between 6.0 and 6.5. Sulfur is only a temporary fix, because when the sulfur eventually breaks down and leaves the soil, the Ph will return. The better method is to add beneficial bacteria and fungi to the soil. These little creatures will help eat organic matter and break it down in to nutrients available for plant life. As they excrete the organic matter, theyh permanently change the pH of the soil. Most plant types have their own bacteria they associate with and these bacteria will change the soil structure to the plants preference. It is a very good win-win situation.


Plus the above when cutting rot off tubers and rhizomes sulphur is the perfect seal for the cut surface as it prevents rot.

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