

How is technetium obtained now?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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The metal technetium has no stable isotopes. It is synthesized in the physics lab by lowering a molybdenum sample into an operating nuclear reactor. The molybdenum is bathed in the nuetron flux, and neutron capture will occur and transmute the molybdenum into technetium. The sample is then withdrawn and put into a shielded casket to make it available for use. A link is provided to the Wikipedia article on technetium.

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What is technetium obtained from?

Technetium is an artificial chemical element and is extracted from fission products, prepared by neutron activation or by irradiation in particles accelerators.

Where is technetium obtained?

Technetium is an artificial chemical element and is extracted from fission products, prepared by neutron activation or by irradiation in particles accelerators.

Where can Technetium be obtained?

Technetium is an artificial chemical element and is extracted from fission products, prepared by neutron activation or by irradiation in particles accelerators.

Where is technetium obtained from?

Technetium is an artificial chemical element and is extracted from fission products, prepared by neutron activation or by irradiation in particles accelerators.

What was first synthetic element?

Technetium. Now technetium is considered also a natural chemical element.

Why has the price of technetium gone down since the 1950s?

The price of technetium has gone down because there wasnt much technetium in the 1950s which made it rare and expencive but now there are more power stations now than there was before which produce technetium so there is more about and has reduced in price.

Who supply technetium?

Important facilities to produce the isotope technetium-99m are now in Canada, Belgium, South Africa and Russia.

Why is technetium obtained?

Technetium is an artificial element with applications as:Technetium-99m is largely used as tracer in radiodiagnostic.Technetium-99 is used as standard source for beta radiation.Technetium-95m is used as tracer in environmental studies.

Why can scientists make technetium synthetically but not gold?

You might get gold but these obtained isotopes are radioactive and unstable; so it is useless.

Method of generation of technetium 99 and it mean use?

Technetium -99 may be obtained from burned nuclear fuels, in particles accelerators, by neutronactivation.Technetium-99m is largely used as tracer in radiodiagnostic.Technetium-99 is used as standard source for beta radiation.

Why is there no technetium in nature?

Technetium exist in nature only in ultratraces; being unstable technetium technetium was lost by radioactive decay.

Why has technetium become so cheap?

Technetium is a by-product of the nuclear fission of 235U. There are a lot more nuclear reactors now compared to the 1950s. -Sloonei