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Q: How is temporary mount different from permanent slide?
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What is the difference between a temporary slide and a permanent slide when using a microscope?

the difference is when a temporary slide has a germ it can come off and on a permanent slide has a germ on it it can't come off

What is a temporary slide used to observe live specimens?

a temporary slide is not permanent. when you have used it you throw it away after a few day.

What is another name for a temporary slide on a microscope?

Wet mount.

How do sunspots move Do they expand or do they slide around?

Sunspots are not permanent. They are temporary. and they move once every 5 years.

How does a temporary mount differ from a permanent mount?

Temporary mounts are usually made in aqueous solution, that is, in water or buffer. They aren't meant to be kept for more than a few hours, since tissue degradation can set in soon. Permanent mounts, on the other hand, usually involve resin to seal them onto the slide and make them waterproof. Since it can't come in contact with external elements that can degrade it, permanent mounts last longer, and can be visualized even after months, or years, depending on the mountant used.

What is the purpose of a coverslip on a microscope?

Coverslip is not placed on a microscope but on the stained specimen on slide . This protects objective lens of microscope from getting stain from a wet mount . It also protects permanent slide .

How do you prepare temporary mount of a leaf peel to show stomata?

The peeling from the lower epidermal cell is mounted in glycerine or water on a glass slide to show stomata

What is the difference between wet mount and dry mount?

- a wet mount is freshly prepared while a dry mount is pre-prepared and sealed. - the specimen is alive in a wet mount while in a dry mount the specimen is dead - air bubbles can be trapped in a wet mount but not in a dry mount - wet mounts are priceless while dry mounts costs

What is to mount a slide?

A wet mount slide is when a solution is applied to a microscope slide with whatever subject is being studied, typically under a slip cover.

What does TS stand for on a permanent slide?

On a permanent slide "TS" stands for Transparent Slide. This abbreviation is also used in software downloads as Transfer Stream.

What is a wet-mount slide?

First, put an image in the center of the slide. Add on drop of water to the slide then put on the cover piece. Take it over to the microscope then use the stage clips to hold it down. Look through the eyepiece and then you will see a magnified image or cell organisms living in the water.

What Slide mount is used for viewing an Elodea leaf?

a wet mount