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There are several forms of black death. All can be prevented through avoiding exposure to infected persons and proper sanitation measures.

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Q: How is the black death prevented?
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Related questions

What prevented the black death and how?

winter prevented rats and fleas. Precautions helped to eradicate it.

Can the black death be prevented today?

The first two types can, but we still haven't found a cure for the 3rd kind, it has a 100% mortality rate.

Why was quarantine the most effective for the plague?

Black Death was spread due to dead rats and dead bodies. Cleaning them prevented Plague spread as there are no fleas.

What do black death and Swine Flu have in common?

Not very much. The Black death is caused by a bacteria and the swine flu by a virus. The Black death caused 15 million deaths world wide but people never heard about bacteria before and had no means to stop it (an antibiotic). The flu also causes deaths today but we do have a vaccine and it can be prevented. The Black Death infected the lymph system. The flu causes a severe upper respiratory infection.

How can immortality be used in a sentence?

My immortality prevented me from experiencing death.

What are all the ways growth can be prevented?

Death. Malnutrition. Defects.

What Was another name for bubonic plague?

Another name for the plague is the black death

What had a high death toll the spanish flu or the black death?

the black death

Who had the black death?

black death spread in Europe. black death killed 75 to 200 million people.

When the black death happened?

the black death started in 1347

Did russia get the black death?

yes, black death was spread in whole Europe. Russia also got black death.

How many deaths could have been prevented because the death penalty wasn't in use?

This is an unanswerable question. There is no way to count "deaths that could have been prevented," let alone deaths that could have been prevented by an indirect correlate.