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Q: How is the connection between the rib and the vertebrae?
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What is the connection between vertebrate and vertebrae?

animals who are Vertebrates have a vertebrae which is a backbone/spine

What are the articulates with rib posteriorly?

thoracic vertebrae

Which of the vertebrae can be associated with the chest?

The thoracic vertebrae are found in the chest region of the body. Humans have twelve thoracic vertebrae which are located between the cervical and lumbar vertebrae.

What is the rib cage attached to?

they are attached by cartilage formed between the actual rib and the back bone

Are your vertebrae part of rib cage pelvis or back bone?

the back bone is the vertebrae

What type of synovial joint is the vertebrocostal?

An articulation between a vertebrae and a rib

How many vertebrates do cows have?

The variation in number is in the tail, where cattle can have between 18 to 20 vertebrae in the caudal region, or the tail. There are also seven cervical (neck) vertebrae, 13 thoracic (rib cage) vertebrae, six lumbar (loin) and five sacral (sirloin) vertebrae.

Where do ribs form a joint with the thoracic vertebrae?

headThe pedicle of the rib articulates with the transverse process of the thoracic vertebra.

The spine is compose of how many movable segments called vertebrae?

There are 5 cervical vertebrae (neck bones) and 12 thoracic vertebrae (in the rib cage area) and 5 lumbar vertebrae (in the small of the back) and 6 sacral vertebrae ( the back of your hips, and in adults are normally fused into 1 bony structure) and 3 to 5 coccyx bones (tail bones) Say, between 31 and 33 vertebrae, total.

What body structure protect the lungs from outside harm?

There are several: the ribs, the thoracic vertebrae and the sternum. Together they are called the rib cage.

What special features are present on the thoracic vertebrae for rib articulations?

spinous process, facets, and demifacets

How many thoracic vertebrae?

The part of the skeleton enclosing the thorax, consisting of the thoracic vertebrae, ribs, coastal cartilages, and sternum.