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Q: How is the conservation of energy applied to an object in free fall from a height h to the ground?
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What increases with its height above the ground?

Potential Energy

What best describes the object's energy as it falls trough the air from the stationary position at height x?

The potential energy it had at height x when it was not moving is equal to the kinetic energy it will have as it is falling. Why? Law of the Conservation of Energy. Energy before will equal energy after.

What type of energy stored due to gravity and height above the ground?

Potential Energy

The stored energy an object has a result of its height above the ground is?

Gravitational potential energy or GPE.

How does potential energy vary height?

The higher above the ground an object is, the greater its potential energy.

How does a wooden arrow lying on the ground have potential energy?

No , it won't have potential energy. Potential energy is due to height.

A boy, mass 50.0 kg slides down a slide from a vertical height of 22 m. Find his velocity when he is 15 m off the ground?

To find the boy's velocity at a height of 15 m, you can use the law of conservation of energy. The potential energy lost equals the kinetic energy gained. Potential Energy at the top=Kinetic Energy at the height of 15 mPotential Energy at the top=Kinetic Energy at the height of 15 m mghinitial=12mvfinal2+mghfinalmghinitial​=21​mvfinal2​+mghfinal​ Given: m=50.0 kgm=50.0 kg (mass of the boy) g=9.8 m/s2g=9.8 m/s2 (acceleration due to gravity) hinitial=22 mhinitial​=22 m (initial height) hfinal=15 mhfinal​=15 m (height above the ground) Plug in these values and solve for vfinalvfinal​.

How does the height of a ball affect the height of its bounce?

the potential energy gets changed into kinetic energy so when it hits the ground it will bounce back up.

How is work related to gravitational potential energy?

As we lift a body of mass m from ground level to a height h, then work performed will be mgh which is equal to the difference in gravitational potential energy at the ground level and at that height.

When pour water from a height why do sounds come?

the higher you pour from the more GPE (gravitational potential energy) the water has, therefore when the water hits the ground it has more enegy than usual and therefore more energy is converted to sound energy. This is due to the conservation of energy which states that energy can't be made or destroyed but instead changes from one form to another.

How does energy transform as an object falls from a height above the ground?

Potential to kinetic.

What is the potential energy of a kg box on the ground?

The potential energy of the box on the ground is considered to be zero. Potential energy is the energy that is stored within an object due to its position or state. Since the box is already at ground level, it does not possess any potential energy.