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The Digestive System is vital to the human body becasue it breaks down all of the food we eat into molecules. These molecules can then be absorbed into the bloodstream eventually to be used by the cells. The digestive system is made up of many different organs, all of which help with the process of taking the nutrients out of the food we eat, and turning it into energy for our bodies cells. Once all the nutrients has been transfered into energy and stored into the cells of the body, the undigestable food is then passed through the anus as faeces.

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The digestive system carries nourishment to the rest of your system keeping you alive

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Q: How is the digestive system vital to the human body?
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People can't be born without a digestive system. It is a vital organ that your body needs to live. You will die without your digestive system.

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The human digestive system is a bunch of organs that turns food into essential nutrients that are absorbed into the body. It also moves the unused waste material out of the body.

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