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The solar system is the home to the sun, 8 planets including the Earth, the 176 known moons that orbit those planets, as well as a countless number of other celestial bodies that exist throughout this vast space. Such celestial bodies include things like asteroids, meteoroids and comets. Plus 5 dwarf planets.

The eight planets in order from closest to the sun to farthest away are:


2) Venus

3) Earth

4) Mars

5) Jupiter

6) Saturn

7) Uranus

8) Neptune

Dwarf planets in no order

1) Pluto (down graded from major planet to dwarf in Aug 2006)

2) Makemake

3) Haumea

4) Ceres

5) Eris (the largest known dwarf in the solar system)

There are also a potential 58 more candidates for the status os dwarf planet

This information is correct as of the date 17th January 2012.

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12y ago
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12y ago

in medieval times we thought that the earth was the center of the universe and that all the planets of our solar system moved around the earth. the church used to preach this in those times as The Bible had it that god created the earth at the center of the one questioned this.

later during the renaissance period great astronomers like Copernicus, Galileo etc with the aid of newly invented telescopes stated that the sun was the center of the solar system .they had facts to prove this theory.this became supported by many astronomers over the years,and now it is a law

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11y ago

So far, we have only found out that Earth is the only Planet in our solar system with life on because it is the only one that has water and all life (that we have found) need water to be able to live.

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15y ago

In our solar system not other than Pluto is changed and became a dwarf planet.

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9y ago

That refers to the fact that the planets move in orbits around the Sun, and the moons around the planets. Also, the entire Solar System orbits the Milky Way.

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no body knows

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Red shift

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How would you define revolution of Planets in the solar system?

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Due to the sun's gravity, the planets in our solar system revolve around the sun. This revolution around the sun determines our seasons.

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It a system of "checks and balances" that keep the solar system in line to an most unique orbital feature.

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no. they all rotate and revolve at different speeds.

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The Sun is the center of the Solar System. Other than that, nothing. The Sun is actually moving inside the Milky Way's outer area. Our Sun completes one whole revolution every 225,000,000 years.

You hold the celestial record for the fastest revolution around this solar sytems largest star What am I?

Possibly Mercury. BTW: Our solar system only has one star.

What is the difference between rotation and revolution with regard to the solar system?

Revolution is the time a planet takes to revolve around itself. Rotation is the time a planet takes to orbit the Sun.

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