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  • How is the existence of God based on morality?

It is not. God exists in any case. However, the more moral a person is, the more open their heart becomes to sense God's existence. Sin and immorality clog our hearts.

  • How is morality based on the existence of God?

Without the belief in God, there is much less reason to be moral. If this world is all there is, there is less motivation to behave properly, especially in the absence of witnesses.

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βˆ™ 6y ago
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βˆ™ 3y ago

the EXISTENCE ( word use having OBJECTIVE REALITY ) is not presented nor demonstrable using the higher case " G" a symbol of the Hebrew and Christian BIBLE WRITERS 'proposition" of a god word use PROPOSITION is a statement or assertion that expresses a judgement or opinion presented for consideration or acceptance MORALITY is a PERSONS principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong in contrast to ETHICS is the standards of a certain community or social group adopted by or applied upon the populations of a community or group ... Taking a few steps back to see the FULL PICTURE of REALITY collectively a population of people or a individual might want to make a RULE Example ALL MEMBERS are obligated to abstain from bathing every Tuesday ..... that did not require a god proposition just people accepting that rule jack in the group has the thinking that is NOT a good behavior to not bathe on Tuesday that is his morality the formation of MORALITY or origin like all BEHAVIORAL TRAITS requires a evolutionary perspective biological and cultural a persons individual characteristics and the environment social dynamics that shape HUMAN MORALITY instinct , emotion such traits are empathy guilt shame disgust outrage and inequity aversion ( observed in other animals especially primates other animal do not demonstrate any god belief behaviors ) cognitive capabilities impulses capacity to reason all that is observable communicated demonstrable WITHOUT a god proposition disgust and outrage can FUEL either compassion or cruelty , even empathy has the potential to fuel aggression the INSTRUCTIONAL basis of empathy example CHIMPS catch and EAT MONKEYS , but a chimp will also provide food for OLDER and WEAKER members WITHOUT expectation of reciprocity Chimps will comfort fellow chimps when distressed using RELIGION in evaluation in the WRITINGS of the PEOPLE presenting the Hebrew Bible the COMMANDMENT KEEP the SABBATH in that writing a man is found to be gathering STICKS for some purpose possibilities fire for warmth or cooking for self or other a sick child elderly person possibly to fulfill some HUMAN NEED for HUMAN WELL BEING MOSES claims " his " god instructs him that all of the congregation should participate in STONING him to DEATH ... that practice BECAME the NORM many claim that SLAVERY was acceptable because back then it was the NORM ... so the association is what is the NORM is GOOD correct ..... the problem is morality is about HUMAN WELL BEING the issue is WHEN did the HEBREWS stop stoning to death people who do not keep the sabbath ....and why Exodus 31:14 is still in the writings the TORAH imposes a DEATH penalty violating the sabbath idol worship cursing god sexual sins homosexuality adultery murder kidnapping and false testimony ..and specifically by STONING by a congregation group participation and based on the testimony of two witnesses who initiate the stoning the answer WHEN did the HEBREWS STOP follow their god command for capital punishment was ENDED by the ROMANS in the 1st century according to Louis Jacobs in his writings THE JEWISH RELIGION : A COMPANION .... what happened to the GOD WORD dictate answer human morality this is backed studies Democrats are less likely than republicans to support the DEATH PENALTY according to GALLUP The 2016 Democratic platform called for its abolishment while republican called for constitutionality of capital punishment is FIRMLY SETTLED PEW research reported 2016 that support for capital punishment fell to a 40 year low of 49 %

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