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Q: How is the feudal system (society) of the middle ages similar to that of American society?
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Who controlled the feudal society in the middle ages?

the kin g would controll the feudal society

How did telescopes in the middle ages contribute to the general cultural progress of feudal society?

Telescopes made no contribution whatsoever to any society in the Middle Ages,mainly because there were no telescopes during the Middle Ages.

How did feudal society in the Middle Ages effect trade between Europe and the other countries in Asia?


Is a feudal society a backward society?

No. A feudal society is when there is a caste system (sort of). It is when there's a small ruling class, a slightly larger upper class of important people, a middle class, and a huge lower class. It is impossible for someone to change classes.

What role did the feudal manor play in Western European society in the Middle Ages?

The Manor ade Feudalism possible

What two forces dominated the lives of most people during the Middle Ages?

The Catholic church was the primary force in the middle ages and the other force was the need to stay alive which became a feudal society.

How did The Society end?

the feudal society was the most important institutuion of the Middle Ages. Inventions made feudalism less and less important. The invention of gunpowder made a feudal army not necessary. Commerce overcame feudalism. Political freedoms disolved the interaction between a lord and his labour force. Fifteenth century wars liberated the feudal classes and it finally ceased to exist with the restoration of Charles 11

What is the probability of democratic government forming in Europe during the middle ages?

Zero. It was a feudal society and with 90% of the population unable to read or write there was little or no chance of the population deciding that they didn't want a feudal government. They wanted safety, shelter, food, and protection.

Which groups in American society were affected by greater democratization?

middle class and lower

What contribution are Medieval bakers doing to the feudal society?

Bakers were a part of the peasant lower class who were able to own their own land and hire servants. They were the beginnings of the middle class.

Why decline the foundation for capitalism in Europe during the middle age?

There was never capitalism in Europe in the Middle Ages. Capitalism is a modern idea and developed in the 20th century. The Middle Ages were a feudal society where only one percent of the population were in control and everyone else worked for them.

How did the feudal system help to produce order in society and amongest the people in the middle ages?

Because it meant the king knew who owned what in his country, ie King William Duke of Normandy