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The body structure, or anatomy, of the frog is very similar to the anatomy of man. Both man and the frog have the same kinds of organs and systems of organs. The frog's anatomy, however, is much simpler. As in other higher vertebrates, the frog body may be divided into a head, a short neck, and a trunk. The flat head contains the brain, mouth, eyes, ears, and nose. A short, almost rigid neck permits only limited head movement. The stubby trunk forms walls for a single body cavity, the coelom. Man's internal organs are housed in one of three distinct hollow cavities--the chest, the abdomen, and the pelvis. The human chest is separated from the abdomen by a powerful muscular partition, the diaphragm. There is no such partition in the frog's coelom. All the frog's internal organs--including the heart, the lungs, and all organs of digestion--are held in this single hollow space.

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11y ago

because it can live in and out of water that what makes it not a vertebrate.

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11y ago

Their eyes, tongs and legs.

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Frogs are vertebrates since it has a backbone. In fact, all amphibians are vertebrates.

What does vertebrates mean in science?

The animals having vertebral column for spine are called vertebrates. For example frog, pigeon, cat are all vertebrates.

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Insects and small vertebrates.

What does vertebrates mean in science terms?

The animals having vertebral column for spine are called vertebrates. For example frog, pigeon, cat are all vertebrates.

How is vertebrates different from other animals?

vertebrates differ from other animals because they have a central nervous system running down their back

Is a water frog a vertebrate?

All frogs are vertebrates. They belong to the group of animals known as amphibians, all of which are vertebrates.

Are sharks vertebrates?

Yes, but they are different from other vertebrates in that their backbones are made of cartilage, like the rest of their skeletal structure.

Does a Goliath tree frog have predators?

Yes. Frogs generally prey on insects and other small invertebrates. Some large frog species may prey on small vertebrates such as mice.

Is the poison arrow frog a vertebrate?

Yes, all frogs are vertebrates.

Is a green tree frog a vertabrate?

Frogs are amphibians.All amphibians are vertebrates.