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Q: How is the idea that the universe started in a big bang a logical extension from a fact?
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What happened after big bang?

universe started moving away

What do scientists think started the universe?

The big bang or a wormhole

Was there any time when there was no universe?

No because time started with the Big Bang.

What do scientists call the event that started the universe?

The Big Bang Theory

When the universe started after the big bang it was very?

Yes, it certainly was. What a sagacious observation !

What Scientific theory says your universe was started by an explosion?

Big Bang Theory

How did the universe allllll start and answer THE DAAAMMMNNN question ....please?

it started because of the scientific theory of The Big Bang it started because of the scientific theory of The Big Bang

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At the time universe started: time ZERO, big bang, beginning of the existence of energy and mater.

How does the Big bang and god be explained?

The birth of the universe has been debated throughout the years and only one theory continues to persist, the the Big Bang. Using theories and observations from many scientists. the Big Bang provides a simplistic and logical explanation reguarding the orgin of the universe

When was Light the Universe created?

When the big bang theory started the universe, light was created.

What is a result of the big bang?

The big bang began the expansion of spacetime with great rapidity. The Universe began with the Big Bang. In other words both space and time began at the big bang. The big bang started the Universe from the point t=0.

What formed the first structures of universe?

The prevailing scientific theory is that the universe started with the Big Bang.