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The mitochondrial inner membrane forms internal compartments - within the organelle - known as cristae, which allow greater space for the proteins such as cytochromes to function correctly. Also, the electron transport chain is located on the inner membrane of the mitochondria and within the mitochondrions inner membrane are also transport proteins that transport in a highly controlled manner metabolites across this membrane.

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Q: How is the inner membrane of the mitochondria adapted to its function?
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What are folded layers of the inner membrane in mitochondria called?

I think you are referring to the cristae. These are the folded parts of the inner membrane. The purpose is to increase surface area of the inner membrane against the matrix. The membrane is the site of the energy transfer in the mitochondria, so having more surface area is a plus.

What is the function of the inner membrane folds of the mitochondria?

The inner membrane folds of the mitochondria, called cristae, increase the surface area available for oxidative phosphorylation, the process that produces ATP. This allows for more efficient production of ATP by providing more space for electron transport chain proteins and ATP synthase enzymes.

Where does the electron transport chain take place in the mitochondria?

The electron transport chain takes place in the inner mitochondrial membrane of the mitochondria. It consists of a series of protein complexes that transfer electrons and generate a proton gradient across the inner membrane, which is used to produce ATP through oxidative phosphorylation.

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The carriers of the electron transport chain are located in the inner mitochondrial membrane of eukaryotic cells. In prokaryotic cells, they are located in the cell membrane.

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Where is oxidation of pyruvate located?

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Which are the parts of the mitochondria?

There are 3 main parts.Outer membrane,inner membrane and stroma.

In eukaryote electron transport occurs in the?

In the organelle called the mitochondria.In eukaryotes, electron transport occurs in the mitochondria. A mitochondrion is an organelle that is membrane bound.

What are the inner membranes of mitochondria?

The membrane that is inside the mitochondria, and where electron transport chain occurs.