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Q: How is the law of conservation and stoichiometry related?
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What is stoichiometry all about?

Stoichiometry is about the Lavoisier's principle on the conservation of mass and elements in chemical reactions.[Cf. Related links on A. Lavoisier, below this answer]

Why do you need a balanced equation to do stoichiometry?

A chemical equation must respect the law of mass conservation.

How does the law of conservation of mass relate to newtons 3rd law?

It isn't closely related. Newton's Third Law is more closely related to conservation of MOMENTUM.

What are the basic assumptions in stoichiometry?

reactants completely change into side reaction of conservation of mass and law of definite proportions are obeyed.

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How is the law of conservation of mass related to rust?

The metal will rust over time but the mass of the container as a whole. The law of conservation of mass is not violated.

What did Emmy noether contribute to math?

The Noether Theorem is normally quoted to derive the Law of Conservation of Energy.It is some very advanced math, but it basically states that for every law of symmetry in nature, there is a corresponding conservation law. For example:The fact that the laws of nature are the same at different times is related with the Law of Conservation of Energy (either one can be derived from the other, I believe).The fact that the laws of nature are the same in different places is related with the Law of Conservation of Momentum.The fact that the laws of nature are the same in different orientations is related with the Law of Conservation of Rotational Momentum.

Is the law of conservation related to chemistry?

Yes, it is very important for chemistry.

The first law of thermodynamics is related to the conservation of which quantity?

Yes. There are no known exceptions - otherwise it would not be considered a law

How is stoichiometry related to photosynthesis?

The process of photosynthesis is a chemical change, and it can therefore be expressed in the form of a chemical equation: 6CO2 + 6H2O --> 6O2 + C6H12O6. The law of conservation of matter, which is the underlying principle of stoichiometry, tells us that glucose is in a 1:6 ratio with the other reagents in the photosynthesis reaction. In any chemical reaction equation, the number of atoms of each element must be the same on either side of the arrow.

How does the law of conservation of mass not apply to a chemical reaction?

Couldn't tell you how, because this is a false presumption:The law of mass conservation does FULLY apply to a chemical reaction.Antoine Lavoisier (Pioneer of stoichiometry) already showed that, although matter can change its state in a chemical reaction, the total mass of matter is the same at the end as at the beginning of every chemical change.