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Q: How is the length of the inclined plane related to the amount of force needed to lift an object?
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When a person is using an inclined plane it decreases the amount of what need to move an object?

When a person is using an inclined plane it decreases the amount of force needed to move the object.

How much effort is needed if the length of the inclined plane is shorter?

As an inclined plane gets shorter, the angle gets steeper and the effort becomes greater.

What is the purpose of a inclined plane with a pulley?

To reduce the amount of force needed to carry objects into the truck k12

How would the amount of force that is needed to put the load up the inclined plane be reduced?

Reduce the friction

What reduces the amount of force needed to do work?

A simple machine. You know, inclined plane, lever, pulley, screw, wheel, or a wedge.

How does making the slope of an inclined plane less steep affect the amount of force needed to move an object?

It requires less force to move an object up an inclined plane if the slope is less steep.

How do the values of work found for the various lengths of inclined plane compare?

The values of work found for different lengths of inclined plane depend on the mass of the object being moved and the angle of the incline. Generally, as the length of the inclined plane increases, the amount of work required to move the object decreases. This is because a longer incline allows for a smaller vertical distance over which the gravitational force acts, reducing the amount of work needed. However, the angle of the incline also plays a role, as a steeper incline requires more work to move the object regardless of its length.

How does making slope of an inclined plane less steep affect the amount of force needed to move an object?

the less steep it is the less force you will need

How is the amount of heat needed to melt ice related to the amount of heat needed to freeze the same amount of water?

The two amounts are the same but have the opposite sign (positive vs negative).

Describe how you would determine the amount of work needed to pull a toboggan the length of a football field?

a lot

How do simple machines help things move?

By reducing friction [rolling instead of dragging across a surface]By decreasing the amount of force needed to perform an action (at the cost of reducing the amount of action) [levers, inclined plane]

What is the primary function of an inclined plane?

The main function of an inclined plane is to decrease the work needed to push an object at an angle uphill.