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No. Photosynthesis will not happen in the absence of light, and its rate is dependent on the light intensity, up to the point where other factors limit it.

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Q: How is the light-independent portion of photosynthesis fueled?
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What portion of the ocean is photosynthesis confined to?

Photosynthesis in the ocean primarily occurs in the upper sunlit layer called the euphotic zone, which typically extends to about 200 meters deep. This zone receives enough sunlight for photosynthetic organisms like phytoplankton to convert carbon dioxide and nutrients into organic matter. Below this depth, sunlight is limited, restricting photosynthesis.

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Most photosynthesis occurs in a portion of the leaf called the palisade mesophyll. Palisade cells contain chloroplasts, which convert the energy stored in photons to chemical energy through photosynthesis.

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The 'light reaction' portion of photosynthesis is driven by UV light from the sun.

Unicellular algae conduct a large portion of the Earth's photosynthesis?

yes it's true

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Coal is a fossilized wood which obtain the major portion of original energy from the sun by the process of photosynthesis.

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This phenomenon is easily termed a portion of 'the Cascade Effect'; usually: you can't have one without the other.

Use spectrum in a sentence?

In her performance, she covered a wide spectrum of dance styles. Photosynthesis uses only a portion of the light spectrum.