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Q: How is the organism like both a fish and a four-legged vertebrate such as an ampibian?
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Is a vertebrate a vertebrate?

they are both the same things they are an animal with a backbone

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The margay is both a mammal and a vertebrate. All species of mammals are vertebrates, in fact.

Chinese Fire Bellied Newt?

A Chinese fire bellied newt is ampibian that breathes both water and air so to keep one you will need a half land half water or more water or more land your choice.

Is it invertebrate or vertebrate?

it is both, vertebrates with a backbone and invertebrates without one

Is a frog and a snake a vertebrate?

Yes. Both frogs and snakes are vertebrates.

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They are both vertebrate warm blooded animals that both lay eggs.

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Phenotype is the outward characteristics of an organism, a product of both genotype and the environment in which the organism lives

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None, all are in different groups

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They are both vertebrate, and invertebrate. I know, it is confusing. I was confused at first.

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They both have a kind of skeleton that help them move.

Are sharks and whales vertebrate?

Yes, they both have back bones and are considered to be vertebrates.

Do hydra and volvox both contain cells?

Yes ,both are living organism. Every organism is made up of cells.