

How is the sound made on the drum kit?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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there are little men with sticks inside the drum and they hit the drums with their sticks

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Q: How is the sound made on the drum kit?
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What is the part of the drum kit which has metal underneath to change the sound?

The Snare drum.. The metal is the snare.

Why was the drum kit used instead of individual drums?

A drum kit is individual drums, they are made up as a set.

Why put a pillow in a drum kit?

A pillow is usually put into the bass drum(s) to deepen the sound they make.

How is a vibration made on a drum kit?

it is made because the drums are hollow

What are facts about the drum kit?

timpani originated from military drums. they are the only type of drum that produce a deffinate different tone depending on the tightness of the "drumhead" or skin. it was originally made from plastic and calfskin but is now made from fibreglass and plastic..

How is the sound on a drum made?

When you hit the drum, the tightness of the drum head and the shape of the drum as well as what it is made out of play into how it will sound. Basically, all you are doing by hitting the drum is causing very rapid vibrations in the air, loud ones, and once they hit your ear drum they are translated by your brain as sound. Again, the different elements of the drum are what make the certain tones of the drum. For a snare drum, on the bottom head there are loose wires that pop back up after the air pressure in the cavity of the drum returns to normal which give it that "tap" sound when you play it. Hope this helps!

What is a Bateria drum kit?

A drum kit that is very germy.

What drum kit does the Kooks use?

The Tama drum kit

What is the energy flow diagram for a drum kit?

Potential energy->sound energy+kinetic energy

Who made the first drum kit and where?

Although i don't know who made it. The first drum kit was made in New Orleans. it was built to play Jazz on.

Can you use guitar hero drum sticks on a real drum kit?

You could, but they are pretty cheap. They are plastic, so a different sound may come out.

What is the drum kit made from?

most drum kits are made from wood . and the head is made of a special plastic. you can get drums made from plastic aswell but wood is more popular.