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A wave will move faster through a liquid than a gas and even faster through a solid than a liquid. This is due to that the particles are closser together in a liquid than a gas and even closer in a solid than a liquid so the wave has a tighter medium to travel through or less of a

"jump" between the atoms.

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Q: How is the speed of a wave different based on whether it is traveling through a solid a liquid or a gas?
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The word conduction only applies to a energy force traveling through a solid, if an energy force was traveling trough a liquid or gas it would be convection.

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Seismic waves travels faster through solid rock than water because their speed depends on the density and composition of material that they pass through.Solid rock is denser than water, hence the energy from seismic waves transfer faster through solid rock than in water.

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Where do sound waves travel through?

Sound waves travel through matter, whether solid, liquid, or gas. They do not travel through vacuum.

The speed of sound, like all waves, depends on the ____ through which it travels?

Sound travels at different speeds depending on what it is traveling through. Of the three mediums (gas, liquid, and solid) sound waves travel the slowest through gases, faster through liquids, and fastest through solids. Temperature also affects the speed of sound.

What energy change occurs when sound is produced?

Sound energy causes the particles in the medium it is traveling through to vibrate. The medium is a solid, liquid or gas.

Where can you find pictures of sound traveling through liquid gas and solid?

yes you can see the ripples in the water but I am not sure about gas as for the solid you can see it vibrate

Does sound travel through solid liquid or gas?

It travels through all three, but at different speeds.

Why test for pH?

You test for pH so you know whether a liquid is an acid or base. Depending on the answer, the liquid has a different response to what you mix in with it. In the body, pH balance is important as well.