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Viroids are a non living pathon that effects primarily plant cells

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Q: How is the target host of a viroid-caused infectious disease different than the host of other pathogens?
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How do pathogens cause infectious disease?

Pathogens cause Infectious Diseases by pathogens getting into your body and caused harm.

A vaccine used against an infectious disease may contain?

weakened pathogens

What are 4 types pathogens responsible for infectious disease?

bacteria virus fungi and parasite

If pathogens are present in drinking water what will happen?

You may get an infectious disease known as parasitosis, caused by protozoa or helminths.

What is an example of non-infectious disease?

Non-infectious diseases are those that are not caused by pathogens. Examples include Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, and congestive heart failure.

What is the relationship between pathogens and infectious diseases?

Why cant people just look it up instead of sittin around waiting for other people to answer it. someone be the first to answer it look it up in every book you can find geeze people thats why i never use this website

What is the agent that causes an infectious disease?


What are pathogens?

A pathogen is an infectious agent that causes illness to the host. These are commonly attributed to be bacteria and viruses.They can also be simple organisms, such as Naegleria fowleri [the uncommon brain eating ameoba]. Most pathogens are infectious microbes, such as bacteria or viruses, which are capable of causing disease. Other parasites, such as fungi and protozoans, are also considered pathogens. Because not all microbes are harmful, pathogens refer specifically to those that can cause disease or other harm.All of the above

Is measles infectious or non infectious?

Measles are infact pathogenic. As it is an infectious disease and the pathogens are infectious viruses and the leucocytes/leukocytes and phagocytes (white blood cells) can't cope with them.

What is an emerging infection?

The emerging infectious disease "EID" is an infectious disease whose incidence has increased in the past 35 years and could increase in the near future. An emerging infections account for at least 12 percent of all human pathogens.

What agents cause diseases?

this dick

What is a a vaccine?

medicine containing dead or weakened pathogens