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To watched movies or drama's it's look like window & alsoo watch the words history & watched the daily news that's it i knw abt tv.......^_^

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Q: How is the television important or useful to your lives?
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because they use their phones wich need energy, and they watch alot of TV

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because we need fossil fuels for every thing tv iron and any electrical

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Water is important in our daily lives, as our bodies have 75 percent water. If we do not drink enough water then we shall die.

Is television harmful or useful for students?

Television can be both harmful and useful for students. It can provide educational content, news, and entertainment. However, excessive screen time can lead to negative effects such as decreased physical activity, poor sleep patterns, and lower academic performance. It's important for students to find a balance and consume television content in moderation.

How are teievision's useful?

Well, televisions are useful when you watch the Science Channel or the History Channel. It depends on what you're watching, but news are also useful.

What are useful and non-useful energy transfers for wind?

Example: TV. Electricity- Heat, light, sound. Useful energy transfers would be electricity- light, sound because that's what your TV actually needs, but electricity- heat would be wasted energy or a non-useful energy transfer because your TV does not need to produce heat, unless of course you can't afford central heating, but then isn't heating more important than a TV???? Summary: Useful energy transfer: The purpose of the object is fufilled by this transfer. Non-useful energy transfer: The purpose of the object is not fufilled by this transfer, and in effect, this transfer is a "side effect" of the useful energy transfer. These transfers waste energy.

Why is televison important?

Television is important in our daily lives because even you are just in your home you can see the latest news and important events that is happening in the world. Television is a form of mass media that can help to educate the people.

How television affects in your daily lives?

Television affects your daily life because it may cause you to sit around and waste time you could spend doing something important. It can also desensitize you against violence.

How is digital important to us?

it is anything from a special display (tv/etc.) to digital wiring (fiber optics) Digital stuff makes our lives rune faster and easier in all

What are examples of useful energy?

tv light bulb

Where do these Televisions end up after they are no longer useful?


Is a smart TV or a laptop more useful for a teen?

Laptop sure is useful but not smart tv. only a good full hd tv will suffice. in laptop he can get unlimited of any informations he needed.